Basic Rules of the Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry

  1. At the Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry, chemists come together for several days of intense discussion on the advancement of their field to synthesize new concepts and to clarify new directions in organic chemistry.

  2. The location of the Conference is such that the meeting takes in a relaxed atmosphere suitable for scientific and cultural discussion among participants.

  3. The Conference will be held with participants composed of a balanced number of younger and older, academic and industrial chemists with a reasonable distribution of Asian countries. All participants are expected to stay at the conference site throughout the whole duration of the Conference.

  4. In the light of the presence of the participants with interest in various fields of chemistry, speaker must strive to include general description of the subject area as well as the most recent discovery from the speaker’s laboratories.

  5. Speaker selection is made on the basis of their known ability to contribute to the subject of the Conference. Together with participants, speakers contrive to cultivate a sense of community in the Conference.

  6. A committee is appointed to plan each meeting with the aid of a few liaison members from Asian countries outside Japan, under a chairman who makes the final decisions about the program.

  7. To encourage open communication, the Conference members agree that any information presented in the Conference is presented with the restriction that such information is not for public use, and this agreement is a condition of being permitted to attend the Conference. Nothing will therefore be written or published. No photographs or recordings are to be taken during the lectures and other formal activities during the Conference.