Helma Wennemers (ETH Zurich)

Prod. Dr. Helma Wennemers graduated with a diploma degree in chemistry from Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt in 1993. Three years later she earned a doctorate degree from Columbia University, New York. She then pursued post-doctoral studies at Nagoya University before accepting the “Bachem-Stiftungs-Assistenzprofessur” at the University of Basel in 1999, where she became Associate Professor in 2003. Since 2011, she is Professor at the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry at ETH Zürich. Helma Wennemers research has been recognized by several awards including the “Inhoffen Medal” (2017), the “Pedler Award” (2016) and the “Leonidas Zervas Award” (2010). She has also been awarded with numerous honorary lectureships such as the “Calvin Lecture” of UC Berkeley (2017), “The Chemical Record Lectureship” (2017), the “David Ginsburg Lectureship” at the Technion in Haifa (2010) and was named a “Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry” (2013).